Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I've always been interested in AV particularly audio. Here's a link to a few good sites.

Library Thing...What a Great Idea!

A typical day at the office!

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

Good Parenting?

Here's an interesting link I received today from Andrew Zolli/Poptech.

Friday, July 13, 2007


I've been enjoying visiting a few mashup sites. It should probably come as no surprise that I particularly enjoy the ones that combine a map with the locations of great restaurants!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

On to Flickr.

Hopefully this is where I'll be in about a month. Traveling on the Beartooth Highway headed toward Bozeman and then the "City of Rocks". This is considered to be one of the most scenic highways in the country. Heading East last year, delays on this road were more than three hours so we chose a different return route. Oh, by the way, Flickr is cool.

Forgotten but not Gone!

Well, I'm way behind on my assignments but finally have a small window to begin catching up. Otherwise I'll be castigated by my peers and be forced to take a remedial blogger course.